6 Key Benefits of Using Mock Exams for PSLE Preparations

Primary School · Jun 17, 2022

The word "exam" is synonymous with "pressure." No matter how well-prepared one is, there is no denying that feeling of nervousness and anxiety before entering the exam hall. The Primary School Leaving Exam (PSLE) in Singapore is no different. The pressure of performing and scoring well is immense for all Primary 6 students.

PSLE preparations are not overnight magic. It takes months, sometimes years, of hard work and dedication. Yes, PSLE is tough but not unconquerable. There are many ways to improve a student's confidence and the chance of acing this mega exam. One of them is by taking mock exams.

Mock Exams: What are They?

Mock exams are like rehearsals or trials one can attend any number of times before sitting for the real exam on D Day. These exams are structured with past PSLE papers to reflect what to expect from the real exam. Most mock exams are based on the original question patterns and scores to create a similar situational environment. This method helps students get used to attempting the exam under restricted time and pressure.

Using mock exams for PSLE preparations is an excellent way to ease the pressure off one's mind and face the real PSLE exam with extra confidence. Therefore, mock exams should not be taken as an indicator of PSLE performance. Instead, these exams should be considered as an opportunity to:

  • Experience the exam process.
  • Understand one's strength and weaknesses.
  • Increase the students' performance in a standardised test.

Mock exams should never be underestimated. This method is practised and renowned worldwide because of its numerous benefits as a parameter to measure students' progress before an exam.

Read on to know how mock exams can be advantageous to your child's PSLE journey.

Also Read : 11 Ways to Help Your Child Ace PSLE English Composition

6 Benefits of Preparing for PSLE with Mock Exams

1. Helps identify and focus on pitfalls.

Let's say your child is good at Math. However, a few areas in the subject may require extra attention. Consistent practice with mock exams will help identify those pain points and give them enough time to rectify their mistakes. The sample questions from past year PSLE papers will also help students gain insights into the examiner's perspectives and focus on areas that require more attention.

2. Provides an exam-like scenario

The anxiety about the examination hall can often cause stress and pressure. This causes students to study inefficiently, leading to poor performance. On the other hand, a mock examination allows students to get a glimpse of what the actual exam will be like. Moreover, since the question pattern mimics the real exam, it helps the students understand what to prepare for.

3. Improves the revision strategy

Every mock exam is a revision. It exposes students to various questions that cover the entire subject. It also helps students recollect the vital aspects of every topic and understand the topics that require re-revision. Besides, it also helps revise important portions in a different order than what's in the study materials. Revision also helps retain information so that students don't forget what they've learnt.

4. Boosts confidence level

Mock exams should be attempted once all the topics have been covered in one subject. Students will be more motivated and confident about their final exams if they perform well in the mock tests.

5. Exposes students to various strategies

Students often use one or two revision strategies. Besides, they tend to rely on the strategies if they prove effective. However, they can explore new strategies to boost their preparedness levels with mock exams. They may also be able to shift their focus to pertinent subjects that may appear in the official exam if they realise they have been concentrating on irrelevant subjects.

6. Helps manage time

Time management is one of the biggest challenges for PSLS students, where many of them struggle to complete the question paper on time. Repetitive mock exams help students evaluate their writing speed and determine the questions that require more time.

The practice of mock exams is crucial to achieving success in official tests. Although the mock exam score doesn't count, it is a vital indicator of the student's progress. Therefore it is important to take these exams seriously and make the most of them.

A smiling boy student taking a PSLE mock exam in a classroom.

Tips to Optimise PSLE Preparation with Mock Exams

Tips for Preparation:

  • Create a good study environment.

Your child's study environment greatly influences their mood to prepare and complete the day's study schedule. The study space should be:

  • Quiet
  • Devoid of distractions
  • Clean and hygienic
  • Well-organised
  • Be consistent with revision.

Consistency is key to being successful at anything- mock exams included. Students should develop the habit of regular revision and attempt the exam when they complete the given syllabus for a subject.

  • Rest and eat well.

All work and no play is not the right approach for PSLE preparations. Adequate rest and relaxation are a must to freshen the mind and retain whatever is revised. Also, ensure your child gets an adequate amount of sleep every day.

Tips For Taking the Mock Exam

  • Read and understand the questions.

It is always wise to spend a few minutes understanding the questions before answering them. Students can attempt easier questions first. Moreover, completing the ones that require a longer duration will help them use the rest of the time to recheck their answers for mistakes.

  • Be calm and answer with clarity.

The score depends on many factors like:

  • Clarity of the answer.
  • Inclusion of vital points.
  • Absence of grammatical errors.
  • Absence of errors in computation and spelling mistakes.

Yes, time is of the essence, but it is also important to provide the right answers that will bring a deserving score.

The Takeaway

Mock exams are perhaps one of the best strategies to prepare for PSLE. It is a repetitive practice to polish and sharpen one's skills to improve memory retention and performance. Besides, there is nothing better than a mock exam to expose your child to the areas that require extra attention in all the PSLE subjects. In short, Go the extra mile, go for mock exams. And get ready to witness your child's winning streak in the PSLE finals.

Want a better solution to improve your child's PSLE revision strategies? Go for Singapore based StudySmart, our AI-powered app that's a boon for your AND your child. Want to know more? Give us a call today!

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