Effective PSLE preparation app for primary students

Engage, Learn, and Excel with features designed to boost your PSLE preparation. Succeed with just 20 minutes per day.


How it works


Student reviews

Why StudySmart?

Prepare for PSLE with our interactive, self-paced learning plan

The PSLE is a critical exam for students in Singapore, and the pressure to perform can be overwhelming.

With StudySmart, students can access effective learning tools such as micro-learning flashcards, question banks containing over 100,000 solved PSLE English, Maths & Science questions, and our own Smart Revision function to revise their mistakes and recap high yield questions.

Theory study material

Practice assessments

Analyse student results

Recommended topics & systematic revisions

How it works


Complete initial assessment

Sign up for your 14-day free trial in less than 2 minutes. Complete the initial diagnostic assessment to find out your current Achievement Level.


Small steps, daily steps

Study at your own pace that fits your daily schedule. Each practice and revision session is designed to only take 20 minutes a day.

Students usually notice a difference in their AL after 3 months of StudySmart.


Test early, test often

Attempt the simulated PSLE mock exams regularly and get instant feedback.

Analyse your progress and determine how close you are to your desired score.

StudySmart’s 4 pillars method to PSLE success


Bite-sized theory study cards

Short and concise theory cards to summarise concepts intuitively within 20 minutes.


Practice topics with real exam questions

Personalised 20 minute worksheets with real life PSLE exam questions and instant marking by our StudySmart AI.


Evaluate performance insights

Visualise skill set and get valuable insights on topics that need improvement.


Rectify and recap mistakes

20 minute revisions to recap previous mistakes and high yield questions in spaced intervals to improve memory retention.

What is your current Achievement Level?

Take Free Initial Assessment

Complete coverage of PSLE Curriculum

StudySmart provides holistic learning for PSLE English, Mathematics and Science. Our platform is built based on the latest MOE syllabus for all three subjects and is constantly revised every year, ensuring that your child receives only the latest and the best.

Created with guidance from curriculum experts

Students love StudySmart

I love the practice questions and getting instant answers. It helps me understand my mistakes.

Chloe Lim

Student, Primary 6

StudySmart’s comprehensive question bank has helped my child prepare effectively for the PSLE. The variety of practice questions has been crucial in building confidence and ensuring thorough understanding of each subject.

Lee Sheng


Thanks to StudySmart, my daughter’s grades have improved significantly. The interactive lessons keep her engaged and motivated.

Ryan Wei


The flashcards are really cool! They help me remember things better.


Student, Primary 3

StudySmart makes learning fun and easy!


Student, Primary 5

StudySmart has made a huge difference in my child's learning. Highly recommend it!

Teo Hao


I like going back to StudySmart to complete my daily 20 minutes so I can keep my streak!


Student, Primary 2

"I love how I can assign homework and track my son’s progress easily. StudySmart is a game-changer for busy parents.

Nicole Min


The revision tools are awesome! I can keep track of what I need to study. The periodical revisions help me stay on top of my revision schedule, making sure I don’t forget important topics.


Student, Primary 6

StudySmart helps me see where I need to improve. I feel more confident for my exams now. The detailed analysis of my practice answers really shows me where I need to focus.

Sophie NG

Student, Primary 6


questions answered


assessments solved


learning in StudySmart


average annual score growth

Ready for accelerated learning and a serious PSLE score boost? 👇


Increase PSLE score 4x faster with unlimited access

Learn More

Bite-sized concide study cards

100,000+ questions written by MOE teachers and PSLE markers

Personalised worksheets that are tailored to each student’s learning gaps

Instant marking, detailed feedback and analytics by our StudySmart AI

Personalised revision worksheets to recap previous mistakes and high yield questions in spaced intervals


Hard studying, traditional learning

Long study hours

Excessive notes and textbooks

Wasting time revising well-known lessons

Spending hours making papers and figuring out solutions

Wrong learning techniques that do not boost your child’s information retention

Start 1-Month Free Trial

Boost PSLE Score with interactive & adaptive learning plans. No credit card required.