How Cheat Sheets Help Solving PSLE Math Challenges

Math · Aug 23, 2022

What Are Cheat Sheets?

The Collins English Dictionary defines a "cheat sheet" as a " short list of information used to help you do or remember something." Often this term is wrongly misunderstood as a written sheet of information used for cheating in exams or tests.

On the contrary, cheat sheets are used to jog your memory and help you navigate tough revisions including, Mathematics revisions and exams. Basically, a cheat sheet comprises every little detail you need to know to answer questions in an exam or test. The "sheet" itself is no more than a piece of paper measuring 8.5 x 11 inches in length and breadth.

How Are Cheat Sheets Different From Class Notes?

Generally, a cheat sheet is a concise but concentrated version of your class notes. Cheat sheets are precise nuggets of information, but class notes are generalized inputs you note during classes or lectures.

Primary students preparing for PSLE Math exams can use their reference notes to create exclusive fractions cheat sheets or geometry formulae cheat sheets for last-minute recapping.

Why are we recommending cheat sheets for PSLE Math revision? Firstly, Math is an extremely complex subject, and not many students know the knack of acing it with easy strategies. Many students who find Math concepts challenging can use cheat sheets to fortify their conceptual understanding and improve their speed in solving math problems.

The biggest benefit of creating Math cheat sheets is that you can write down important formulae, concepts, and theorems and use the paper for future reference. So, let's get down to creating your first Math Cheat Sheet.

5 Steps to Create An Effective Math Cheat Sheet

A reliable Math Cheat Sheet is one that's created over a period of time. Ideally, the duration should cover an entire topic in class.

Step 1: Make your cheat sheet on the first day of a new Math chapter.

Step 2: Note all the important formulae, key definitions, and concepts.

Step 3: Make a concise note of theorems and concepts.

Step 4: Use different coloured pens to highlight facts, formulae, and important tips.

Step 5: Redo your Math Cheat Sheet when your sheet gets too messy or disorganised with too much information.

Points to remember while creating your cheat sheet:

  • Copy only what's necessary and leave out unwanted details.
  • Use a different sheet for each chapter.
  • Use a creative format to give structure and uniqueness to your cheat sheet.
  • Categorise information into various boxes.
  • Remove unnecessary details from your cheat sheet when you redo it.
  • Bring your cheat sheets to class daily and add details you learn from your teachers.

8 Factors Your Maths Cheat Sheet Should Have

A cheat sheet of a PSLE maths with shapes and formulae written while things like a calculator, pen, notebook, and pins can be seen around the paper.

As a first-timer, you may not know what to include in your Math sheet. Worry not! We have compiled a list for your reference. Your cheat sheet should have:

  • Important information given by teachers.
  • Information from textbook references.
  • Algebraic and geometrical formulae.
  • Complex P6 Math questions.
  • Key questions from class tests, question papers, and quizzes.
  • Rules and reminders used to solve problems.
  • Terms and definitions.
  • Diagrams and problems.

Now that you have created your Math cheat sheet, it's time to put it to good use. Here are three ways to use your Math cheat sheet to improve your mastery of this challenging subject.

1. With your homework

A cheat sheet created with so much effort should be used as an effective homework tool. Use it for quick reference as you do your homework, and do not forget to spruce it up with information that adds more value.

2. As a study guide

One of the prime purposes is to use your cheat sheet to make your study time worthwhile. A well-prepared sheet will help you identify what topics you've covered and what's not covered yet.

3. As a test reference

Students can use a cheat sheet for open-note quizzes or tests. You can modify your cheat sheet to fit your teacher's criteria if they have different rules about what you can use on the test. You could, for instance, make your cheat sheet fit the dimensions of an index card if you're only allowed one.

Also Read : How to Help Your Child Tackle Difficult PSLE Math Questions

Handmade Versus Digital Cheat Sheets: Which is Better?

We may live in a digital age where it's easy to take a few printouts and create a cheat sheet. However, such a digital cheat sheet will not be as effective as a handmade one. Here's why: A handmade cheat sheet helps you:

  • Process more information as you create it.
  • Add relevant information and remove irrelevant points.
  • Document updated changes in the syllabus.
  • Quickly access your cheat sheet anywhere at any time.

You can type up your cheat sheet just before a test if your paper sheet looks worn out and shabby. You can also reformat your paper sheet into a digital format just before you start preparing for a test.

It doesn't matter if you're in Primary school, high school, college, or a professional. Cheat sheets are an amazing way to keep track of information and learn faster. To navigate through a tough subject like PSLE Math, cheat sheets are both effective and useful.

Before winding up, we leave you with some helpful tips to overcome your Math anxiety and ace this subject with flying colours.

5 Quick Tips to Overcome Difficulties in PSLE Math

  • Maintain a positive attitude, and do not let your fears hamper your progress.
  • Revise and practice difficult sums every single day.
  • Understand the basic concept before attempting to solve any problem.
  • Do not attempt to memorize Math. Do the Math.
  • Seek the guidance of an experienced tutor to help you gear up for the PSLE Math exam.


Cheat sheets function as a student handout, an addition to a school binder. By creating a cheat sheet, you can learn content as you are taught. It is especially useful for children who struggle with math. You process the content more every time you work on your cheat sheet. The more you work, the more you learn, and the easier it is to conquer Math. It's that simple!

StudySmart, our AI-powered app, also offers incredibly effective strategies to refine your online Math revision. Visit our webpage to know more about StudySmart, Singapore.

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