What to Do and What to Avoid on the Day of Your PSLE Exam

Exam Management · Aug 12, 2022

As the day of the first PSLE exam approaches, you are mentally listing a hundred things to ask your child to do and not do. You want your child to revise thoroughly, but you don't want them to tire themselves out. You want them to work on some PSLE examination papers, but you do not want them to miss their sleep.

We can go on and on, but it would only be overwhelming and add to the existing exam pressure. Listed in our article is a definitive set of Do's and Dont's you and your child can follow on the exam days. Follow these tips to tackle exam anxiety and get prepped for the big days.

3 Must-Do Things On the Day Before Your MOE PSLE Exam

The day before the exam is when the anxiety mostly sets in. That said, not every Primary student or parent experiences exam fear. But, generally, the day before the exam can be a tad more stressful as you worry about the complexity of the PSLE exam papers or if your child's revision is adequate enough. Rather, consider following some of these best practices the day before the exam to ensure your child is fully ready to take on the PSLE confidently.

The Do's

1. Ensure adequate rest

Many students and parents think burning the midnight oil is a must the day before the exam. Contrariwise, your child requires a good night's sleep to calm the nerves and rejuvenate the mind. Besides, it is also okay to indulge in mind-relaxing activities, like a long walk, listening to music, exercising, or doing yoga. The aim here is to keep the mind sharp and focused, rather than giving into the pressure.

2.Check the exam details

Of course, by now, all your family members must know the exam schedule by heart. However, there are other details that you also have to consider, such as:

  • Time of the exam
  • Duration of the exam
  • PSLE index number
  • Exam room at the venue

Recheck the details the night prior to the exam so that you will not be flustered when you meet unforeseen circumstances.

3. Pack your exam gear

One of the most prudent things to do before the exam day is to pack your child's bag well in advance. You can ask them to prepare their stationery and whatever they need for the exam. Do this, and you save yourself from the last-minute panicky situation of rushing around trying to find what's required.

Also Read : Effective Last-minute Revision Strategies for PSLE Success

The Dont's

  • Avoid learning anything new on the day before the exam.

It's best to let your child revise what they have already learnt rather than take on something new and stress themselves.

  • Avoid eating oily, unhealthy foods.

You do not want your child falling sick just before D-Day. Ensure they stay on the safer side by restricting them to healthy, homemade food and clean water.

A girl student is listening to the teacher in the classroom.

Do's & Dont's On the Day Of the PSLE Exam

Finally, the big day has arrived. The most important thing parents can do is remain calm so that their children can develop some much-needed positivity and confidence. Here are some PSLE tips on what your children should do on D-Day:

The Do's

1. Have a good breakfast

A good, healthy breakfast is essential for the brain to function well. Remember that you cannot eat snacks during the exam. Therefore, make sure you take small snacks like fruit or a sandwich to deal with sudden hunger pangs during the revision time.

2. Arrive early at school

To ensure that you arrive at school on time, you should plan what time to wake up and when to leave for school. Make sure you leave home earlier than usual in case of bad weather, traffic jams, or unexpected events like a vehicle breakdown. To avoid stress on exam day, it is best to arrive early to school so that you will not have to rush around looking for classrooms or exam rooms!

3. Make a quick recap

Use your own written notes, handouts, PSLE practice papers, review sheets, or flashcards to have a last glimpse of all the revisions you've done for the past few months. It will help you recall some important points and facts that may be vital when you start writing the exam.

4. Always stay hydrated

It is common to forget to eat or drink when you are consumed with exam anxiety. Unfortunately, you are dehydrating your body and depriving it of much-needed water that will eventually affect your health. It is always good to have a bottle of water to quench your thirst if the school rules allow it. If not, do not forget to hydrate yourself before entering the exam hall.

The Dont's

  • Do not take any rough papers or textbooks into the exam hall.
  • Avoid wearing smart watches or taking your phones to the venue.
  • Avoid taking correction tapes or fluids like juices and water into the hall unless permitted.
  • Do not drink large amounts of water before the exam. Instead, take small sips to avoid running to the restroom and to stay hydrated.

The Take-Away

Lastly, do remain calm. Take a deep breath, meditate, or do what you think is best to relieve stress before taking your PSLE MOE exam.

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