How AI Influences Transformation in Education

AI in Education · Feb 16, 2022

Artificial Intelligence In Education? Why Not?

Did you know that AI (something that you thought was behind the doors of hi-tech labs) is standing at the threshold of your child's classroom?

Artificial Intelligence (AI), a well-known technology, has been discussed ever since the term was first coined in 1956. Much has been debated and predicted about its rise in popularity, and AI has much more to prove in the science arena. But that's a topic for another day.

Right now, AI has slowly but surely crept its way into the educational sector. This should come as no surprise, as experts already predicted this a few years ago. It doesn't mean robots or AI-powered machines will replace teachers. Teachers are irreplaceable. Period. What AI will do is transform how they teach and revolutionise how our children learn.

Just think about it! The possibilities of allowing AI to play a major role in the education sector are significant- for both the teachers and students. We give you an in-depth perception of how things will unfold when AI becomes a major game-changer in education.

4 Ways AI Will Change Education For Students

1. Personalisation of Education

Personalisation in education can be a big game-changer as students will have access to learning programs based on their unique preferences and academic abilities. AI can easily align with each students' knowledge level and learning speed. This attribute will be especially beneficial for students who are slower than average.

Moreover, who knows? Someday, AI-powered solutions may even look into students' academic histories, identify their strengths and weaknesses, and deliver learning programs tailored to these aspects.

2. Tutoring With Chatbots

Sounds exciting, doesn't it? Imagine your child taking extra tuition with AI-powered tutors and chatbots! Sounds like a clip from a sci-fi movie. This scenario is highly possible. While there is no replacement for a human educator, AI tools can provide the extra coaching and tutoring students need to sharpen their skills. Not many parents are going to say no to that!

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3. Universal Access to Education

Anywhere, anytime learning is already possible. AI will take things a notch further by allowing students to explore learning programs without an educator's aid. AI will also play a great role in abolishing the global educational disparity. Students worldwide can gain high-quality education without incurring travel and accommodation expenses. Through artificial intelligence tools, global classrooms can be made accessible for students who

  • Have physical disabilities
  • Speak various languages
  • Cannot attend direct classes due to illnesses
  • Require learning at a different level
  • Need extra help in a particular subject

4. Instant Response & Guidance

Students will have a thousand questions. It is in their nature to ask and learn. But teachers are already swamped with work and hardly have the time to deliver answers. Here's where AI comes into the picture. It can help students find their answers from the right sources through conversational intelligence and support automation 24/7. Thus, AI creates a win-win situation for both educators and students.

To create a fine balance, AI will play an equally significant role in helping teachers. Here are some scenarios we can expect.

Also Read : 6 Reasons Why Education in Singapore is World-Class

How AI Will Support Educators In The Future

1. Smart Teaching Content

When educators learn to master AI teaching tools, they can use them in innumerable ways to simplify teaching and learning for themselves and the students. AI can help teachers with:

  • Digital lessons
  • Bite-sized learning content
  • Digital textbooks
  • Study guides
  • Web-based study environments
  • Simulated lessons
  • Graphic visualisation
  • Updated learning content

2. Non-Teaching Task Automation

AI is already automating tasks in numerous industries. So, why not include the education sector? Everyone knows that a teacher's job doesn't end with teaching. They have many non-teaching tasks to look after, alongside administrative and organisational work. AI comes as a blessing for teachers overwhelmed with tasks such as:

  • Teaching resource organisation
  • Learning material management
  • Answer paper gradation
  • Homework evaluation
  • Attendance evaluation
  • Progress report preparation

AI will automate these tasks and give a much-needed break for the teaching community. It will help them save time and energy to devote themselves to their primary job-teaching.

3. Upgrade Teaching Methods

With today's technology, students have access to world information at their fingertips. Therefore, teachers cannot afford to lag behind. They need to stay sharp, focused and upgraded. Using Artificial Intelligence, teachers will gain access to comprehensive, updated information. It will empower them to move beyond their old, outdated methods and align with 21st-century students.

4. Identify Student Weaknesses

AI can enhance the work of a teacher in a classroom by identifying some of the student weaknesses. It won't be long before AI alerts teachers when students miss specific questions. The teachers will receive notifications when the students don't understand the material. Teachers can then reteach or explain the material to them. This will make educators more accountable and ensure that they follow the best teaching practices.

StudySmart: The Power Of AI In Your Hands

Many AI-powered applications are being developed for mentors and students as we speak. However, with StudySmart, we are already one step ahead of everyone with our AI-powered PSLE learning app based in Singapore. To know more about us, give us a call. We are ready to discuss the details!

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