Reasons Why SA1 Exams Are Important in Singapore

PSLE · Jul 14, 2022

Singapore's PSLE 1-6 curriculum has four assessments each academic year: the CA1, SA1, CA2, and SA2. SA1 stands for Semestral Assessment 1, which is usually administered during the first half of May. A great deal of importance is attached to the SA1 exam in Primary 4 & 6 and Secondary 2 & 4. Whether subject-based banding, PSLE or O Levels, students in these classes face major academic milestones in the same academic year.

Why is SA1 important, and what common misconceptions do parents have about this exam? These are the main topics of discussion in this article. So, let's get into the details.

5 Reasons Why Semestral Assessment 1 Matters

1. SA1 lays the foundation for the year-end exams

SA1 is based on all the topics taught in the first semester. Since SA2 is conducted at the end of the academic year, the exam is based on the entire syllabus. The syllabus for the first semester forms the basis for what students study the following semester. Therefore, writing SA1 helps students prepare better for the exams they face at the end of the academic year.

2. SA1 provides the impetus for hard work

Students are expected to take in tremendous amounts of content throughout the academic year. Hence, it is only natural that by the end of the year, some of what was taught earlier in the first semester may have faded from memory. Fortunately, thanks to SA1, students are effectively forced to make extra effort to master the first half of the semester's content before moving on to the second half.

3. SA1 makes students understand their abilities

This examination aims to assess whether students have understood the topics presented in the past five months of studying. Once the results are out, students will know which topics require more hard work and which ones are their strong suit. They can start working on the weak subjects before moving on to SA2.

4. SA1 acclimatises students to exam stress

Sitting for MOE SA1 is like a dress rehearsal before D-Day. In any case, students will be facing bigger milestones by the end of the academic year. Hence, writing SA1 provides good exposure to the exam environment. When they face the real deal, students will know how to handle the exam pressure without letting it affect them.

5. SA1 paves the way for Terms 3 & 4

For students and teachers, the SA1 examinations provide a glimpse into what will come in the year's second half. Teachers can suggest adjustments in response to the students' SA1 performances to rectify weak spots and eliminate silly errors.

In light of this knowledge, it's time for students to prepare for SA1.

A small schoolboy is gesturing thumbs up with a background of books organized on a shelf.

5 Ways Students Should Prepare for SA1

Planning and preparation are vital to scoring impressive marks in SA1. Students should:

1. Gather study materials like textbooks, notebooks, classwork, class notes, and practice papers.2. Create an exam schedule and timetable to dedicate time for each subject.3. Start revision early, so they have enough time to thoroughly study each topic.4. Have enough rest, sleep and rejuvenating breaks to ensure good mental and physical health.5. Dedicate more time to weaker subjects rather than allotting equal time for each subject.

Unfortunately, many parents and students do not give SA1 the importance it deserves. This carelessness stems from some common misconceptions they have about these exams. Here's what they are.

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3 Ways Parents Misunderstand the Significance of SA1

1.SA1 is not as important as SA2

Fact: SA1 is more than just a mere assessment. It is a critical step that paves the way for success in future exams.

2. SA1 does not reflect the child's academic progress.

Fact: It does. SA2 tests your child's academic prowess based on the entire year's curriculum. If not for SA1, most children would struggle to catch up with the exhaustive list of topics taught the entire year. A good result in SA1 will help the child gear up for SA2.

3.If the student performs poorly in SA1, they can compensate for it in SA2.

Fact: Not right. Knowledge gaps in SA1 should be addressed immediately because many topics in the second semester are linked to SA1. A student's performance in SA1 will determine their ability to grasp more complex concepts in the next semester. Therefore, students must make an effort to perform well in SA1.

The easier they navigate these mid-term exams, the more confidence they will have to achieve subsequent success. If you are looking for ways to optimize your child's PSLE revision for SA1 in Singapore, give them the StudySmart advantage. Click here to know more about our unique app and subscription options.

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