PSLE Math Exam Format- A Brief Summary

PSLE · Apr 29, 2022

PSLE mathematics uses various concepts to make candidates think logically, analyze the problems and solve various issues effectively. PSLE maths focuses on teaching students to grow their metacognition skills and attitudes, not only in the subject of math but also in our daily routine functions. It is done in the form of numerical, statistical, geometrical, analytical, and algebraic concepts in PSLE mathematics. Though the examinations and syllabus are rigid, students of P6 are taught to think, analyse and solve problems efficiently. Any candidate needs to know the PSLE math format to gain good scores in the examination. Mathematics is a contentious and closely scrutinized subject in PSLE as:

  1. The results of a math examination are measured based on the number of questions successfully solved.
  2. The answer to the math questions must be absolute, showcasing the progress stepwise.

In this article, let us break down the PSLE math paper format. Breaking them into smaller parts will be easy to understand how to prepare for the examination.

An Overview of PSLE Mathematics Pattern

PSLE maths examination makes a student understand, reason, analyse and interpret information using appropriate strategies. The exam has multiple-choice, short-answer, and structured or long-answer questions. Each candidate has to write the exam for 2 hours 30 minutes. The total marks for the PSLE maths examination are 100, which is used in calculating the achievement level score.

PSLE maths comprises two separate written papers. Paper 1 has two booklets, booklet A and booklet B. Paper 1 contains multiple-choice and short answer questions. On the other hand, paper 2 contains short answer type and long answer type questions. Both the papers are conducted on the same day with a one-hour duration in between them. Paper 2 allows the usage of scientific calculators, that are pre-approved by SEAB but should not have any graphing or programmable functions.

To achieve success in PSLE exams, your child needs in-depth knowledge and intense practice. Using StudySmart's PSLE module, students can learn the PSLE syllabus, practice exam strategies, and attempt challenging questions. You can also browse our apps here: PSLE English Online, PSLE Maths Online, PSLE Science Online.

Pattern, Marks & Duration in Paper 1

Paper 1 contains mostly one or two mark questions, and the sum of the total questions will be 45 marks. PSLE mathematics paper 1 has two booklets called A and B to test understanding of mathematical concepts and calculations using short or long answer questions. This paper is written for one hour and does not permit the usage of calculators.

Booklet A

The questions here are straightforward and determine the basic skills and concepts. Booklet A has 15 multiple choice questions in which there are 10 one mark questions and 5 two mark questions. Multiple choice questions are generally very easy to score as they have the answers mentioned in the questions. The total marks allotted for this booklet are 20.

Booklet B

Booklet B has 15 short-answer questions, 10 two-mark questions, and 5 one-mark questions. The questions are straightforward similar to booklet A. However, the student must show the examiner the solving methods and workings in the answer sheet. They must necessarily mention the units in their answers.

Performing well in paper 1 will boost the overall score as the total weightage for both the booklets is 45%. A student taking up the PSLE maths paper 1 writes the exam for 1 for one hour, and if their foundation is really strong, they can easily ace the examination without any difficulty.

Also Read : How to Help Your Child Tackle Difficult PSLE Math Questions

Pattern, Marks & Duration in Paper 2

PSLE math exam paper 2 has 5 short answer questions followed by 12 long answer questions. Paper 2 has 17 questions in total, out of which the short answers are worth two marks each, whereas the long answers are worth either 3 or 5 marks each. These questions, when summed up, give a total of 55 marks. Paper 2 mostly has word problems with several difficulty levels and is mostly indirectly posed. These questions require the students to use their math heuristics to solve the questions. However, they can use calculators. The exam duration is 90 minutes, and a candidate must think deeply and apply the acquired mathematical concepts to solve the problems effectively.

Paper 2 has multiple problems, and for every problem, the student will have to show the solving method stepwise. They have to finally write the answers in the allotted space and show the workings they have done to arrive at the answer. This is a crucial requirement as the examiners grade the students and provide better scores for those with clear solving methods. Students must mention the units for every answer, similar to booklet B in paper 1. The total weightage is slightly heavier with paper 2 as the short answers have a weightage of 10%, whereas the long answers have a weightage of 45%. The total weightage of paper 2 is 55%, and the scores will help in securing a student’s achievement level score. The duration of examination time for PSLE math paper 2 is one and a half an hour.

Closing RemarksIt is not easy to score high in PSLE without hard work, practice, and patience. A majority of the people consider PSLE maths an essential subject, but it is also equally hard as a student has to be thorough with the concepts and train oneself accordingly to prevent committing errors while solving problems. Studysmart is an AI powered app for primary school students in Singapore to help them strategize and prepare for their PSLE math paper. Interested? Talk to us to know more.

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