PSLE Results 2022: What it Means for Outgoing & Present P6 Students

PSLE · Dec 10, 2022

PSLE Exams: What the Results Reveal

It's been almost two years since Singapore’s Ministry of Education (MoE) introduced the Achievement Level scoring methodology for PSLE. Primary 6 students who appeared for PSLE earlier this year were the second batch to be scored using this new method.

As always, Singapore's Primary 6 students have cleared their first major academic milestone with flying colours. The MoE published the exam results at 11 a.m. on November 23rd, announcing that for the sixth consecutive year, 98.4% of Primary students advanced to high school.

Approximately 62% of students qualified for Normal courses this year are expected to be able to take at least one subject at a higher level as they move to secondary school.

Here’s a quick breakdown of the details:

  • Number of students who appeared for the PSLE in 2022- 37,095.
  • Number of students eligible for Express- 68.4%.
  • Number of students eligible for Normal (Academic)- 18.7%
  • Number of students eligible for Normal ( Technical) - 11.3%.

So, what happens to the remaining 1.6% of students? Well, they have two choices to pick from:

  • To repeat PSLE next year.
  • Join customised learning programs at select schools who offer better hands-on-learning.

According to a joint press release by MOE and SEAB (Singapore Examinations and Assessment Board), the 2022 primary six cohort's course eligibility is similar to last year's.

As part of the Achievement Level (AL) scoring system, the 2021 cohort was the first to sit for the PSLE. The 2022 PSLE score was equal to 2016 and 2017, and it remains the highest performance since the examination was introduced in 1960.

These details may need to be clarified for parents whose children will write the PSLE in 2023. So, let’s break it down and make it simple for your understanding.

What is the PSLE Aggregate Score & How is it Calculated?

The PSLE is one of the most important exams in Singapore for two reasons:

  • It is the first academic milestone for all students in Singapore.
  • It determines the secondary school and course students will take up.
  • This standardised exam covers four main subjects:
  • English
  • Mathematics
  • Science
  • Mother Tongue

The PSLE aggregate score is based on these four subjects and determines the type of secondary school students will attend. Considering that the curriculum and assessment standards have not changed, the MOE anticipates a similar proportion of students qualifying for the different courses under the new scoring system.

PSLE & The New Scoring System: What is it All About?

The MoE introduced a new scoring system known as Achievement Level (AL) in 2021. This new system replaced the T-score system, which had been in place since 1960. This old system calculates a student’s performance based on how well they scored in relation to their peers in the cohort.

On the other hand, the new AL scoring system does not link a student’s performance to that of their peers. Instead, each subject is scored on eight Achievement Level bands ranging from AL1 to AL8, with AL1 being the highest band and AL8 being the lowest.

The AL scoring system also replaces the previous 200 possible aggregate scores with only 29 scores. As a result, school cut-off points (COPs) are also expected to be less differentiated, resulting in a wide range of secondary options for students.

How to Calculate Your PSLE Score?

The PSLE aggregate score is calculated by adding the ALs for each of the 4 subjects. The PSLE aggregate score ranges from four to thirty-two, with the highest possible score being 4 and the lowest 32.

A student’s score indicates their position on the scoring scale compared to their counterparts. The eligibility on the scoring basis is as follows:

  • Between 4 to 20- Eligible for the Express course.
  • 21 and 22- can choose between Express and Normal (Academic) courses.
  • 23 and 24 - Eligible for Normal (Academic).

The AL scoring system will abolish secondary school streaming and will soon be replaced with Subject-Based Banding (SBB). What is SBB? This new method allows students from Normal (Technical) and Normal (Academic) courses to take up more demanding subjects from Secondary 1 based on their individual PSLE subject scores.

Picture of a group of happy smiling primary school students.

Secondary Posting Exercise: What Does it Say?

The Ministry of Education has published the indicative PSLE score ranges for all 139 secondary schools participating in the 2022 S1 posting exercise on SchoolFinder.According to the 2022 cohort's PSLE results and school choice patterns, these indicative PSLE scores represent the first and last students who would be posted to each school.

The indicative PSLE Cut-off Points for all secondary schools start from 6. However, every school’s score range varies every academic year. These fluctuations may typically be by one AL. The indicative PSLE score is also determined by the cohort’s school choices and PSLE results of last years’ S1 Posting Exercise.

Also Read : Overcoming Fraction Barriers in PSLE Maths

The Secondary 1 Posting Results

The MoE is expected to release the posting results between December 21 and 23. You can see the results via:

  • SMS or Short Message Service
  • Your ward’s primary school
  • The portal (You will need your ward’s birth certificate number, SI PIN and FIN

Once students receive their results, they should look up their posted schools’ websites to gather more information regarding:

  • Book list
  • Reporting details
  • When and where to buy uniforms and textbooks

The posted schools must inform parents of the incoming cohort via Parents Gateway on the afternoon the posting results are released.

If your ward cannot attend classes on the first day at their posted secondary school (probably in January 2023), they should inform the school once they receive their results to confirm their acceptance.

Final Say

Students who have completed their PSLE can heave a sigh of relief and get on with their next course; if your child is due to attend PSLE in 2023, it's time to gear up with the preparations. Get Studysmart’s PSLE online study app and leverage your child’s chances of scoring big in these exams.

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