Focus- Why is it Important for PSLE Exams?

Exam Management · Feb 26, 2022

If you are a resident or citizen of Singapore, we don't have to underline the importance of PSLE exams. It is a mega milestone for all Primary 6 students and their parents. PSLE exam preparation often starts months or years before D Day arrives.

Despite all the cramming, reading, writing, and revision that's involved, one aspect that ties everything together is FOCUS. Without proper focus, your child could have trouble retaining what they revised, paying attention in class, or simply concentrating on their studies. What is the point of all that hard work if they cannot focus?

In this article, you will find many expert tips and techniques to help your child focus better and ace their PSLE exam preparations.

A junior student preparing PSLE with Studysmart on a laptop.

Best Focus Techniques to Improve PSLE Preparations

1. Devise a study routine (and stick to it)

Ask any exam expert, and they will advise you to begin with a timetable or a study schedule. The prime objective of creating a study ritual is to help your child stay on track. Make a daily to-do list to help them focus on the task at hand, and ask them to cross it out as they complete each task.

A pat on the back or a word of praise will instil pride in these little achievements. It will also encourage your child to stick to the routine even without your assistance.

2. Use the Pomodoro technique (it's the best!)

All experts recommend the Pomodoro technique to imbue time management and focus skills. Generally, children have a limited focus span, after which they get fidgety and restless. The Pomodoro technique capitalises on that small window of concentration to break revisions into reasonable lumps of time. Here are the steps to implement this technique:

Step 1: Pick a taskStep 2: Study for 25 minutesStep 3: Take a break for 5 minutes

Repeat this cycle four times and take longer breaks after four Pomodoro sessions. The sooner your child masters the Pomodoro technique, the more focused they are with the task on hand.

StudySmart, our AI-powered PSLE learning app, provides high-impact personalised studying with the Pomodoro technique.

To achieve success in PSLE exams, your child needs in-depth knowledge and intense practice. Using StudySmart's PSLE module, students can learn the PSLE syllabus, practice exam strategies, and attempt challenging questions. You can also browse our apps here: PSLE English, PSLE Maths, PSLE Science.

3. Curb all distractions (especially social media)

Smartphone usage and exposure to social media platforms are some of the biggest sources of distraction. Often, luring your child away with treats and threats or taking away the phone for the time being simply doesn't work. The only solution is to keep the device locked away at all times. You can also limit TV time until the exams are over.

4. Choose the right time (and use it well)

There are no hard and fast rules for study time because each child's mind is wired differently. Some may prefer waking up in the wee hours of the morning, and others may prefer burning the midnight oil. Allow them to capitalise on the time that's right for their mind. It will produce excellent results because they are fully focused on the job.

5. Pick a study area (and keep it clean)

Your child's plush bed, sofa, beanbag, or swing cannot become designated study areas. If your child becomes too comfortable in these spaces, they will likely feel sleepy. Regardless of whether it is a small table and chair or an entire study room, it is the study atmosphere that counts. So, allow them to pick their designated study area. Encourage them to keep things organised, clean, and tidy. It won't be long before they automatically head to that space when study time's up!

Also Read : Aid Your Child’s Exam Preparation With Past Years’ PSLE Papers

6. Capitalise on the strong points ( to up the ante)

Often, children do not realise the need to hone their strengths. Instead, they spend valuable time trying to better their weaknesses. Help them focus on their strengths and ace those components. Give them time to perfect one strong point before moving on to the next.

Your child can apply the same technique when revising worksheets or exam papers. Ask them to read the entire paper and do the easy, manageable sections first. Once they complete attempting the easy questions, they will gain more confidence to tackle the tough ones.

The key aspect is capitalising on their strengths and improving their scores by doing what they know best. This technique also prevents them from brooding over doubtful questions for too long and then grappling for time.

Quick Tips to Improve Focus

When it comes to focusing, even the small details matter. As a parent, ensure that you include all these pointers in your effort to improve your child's focus.

  • Ensure your child is well-fed and hydrated before the study session begins. ( They cannot concentrate on an empty or half-fed stomach.)
  • Complete your personal chores before their study time. ( Your child will get your complete, undivided attention.)
  • Use a proper clock to adhere to your schedule. ( It will keep your child on track to cover the study material as per the day's schedule.)
  • Encourage physical activities such as sports and yoga. ( An hour of sports does wonders to sharpen their focus.)

Additionally, you can also utilise tech tools like StudySmart to personalise and optimise your child's preparations for PSLE. Connect with us to know the benefits of choosing StudySmart, Singapore.

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